
Public Lighting

Major delivery partner works for our long term client Ultegra, completing bulk streetlight LED replacements for the longevity of their 5 year contract with Essential Energy in NSW

Works included:

  • Scope, plan and schedule of task across 11 separate NSW LGA’s, including supply of project administration assistance to collate essential data

  • Delivery of approximately 68,000 bulk streetlight LED replacements, including testing and compliance, across 11 separate NSW LGA’s

  • Supply of plant, equipment and labour for numerous other delivery partners to assist with project cohesion and delivery schedules


Major delivery partner works for our long term client Ultegra, completing overhead service mains for the longevity of their 5 year contract with Essential Energy in NSW

Works included:

  • Scope, plan and schedule of approximately 45,000 tasks across 9 separate NSW LGA’s, including supply of project administration assistance to collate essential data and customer notifications 

  • Delivery of approximately 36,000 overhead service main wire replacements, including testing and compliance, across 5 separate NSW LGA’s

  • Supply of plant, equipment and labour for numerous other delivery partners to assist with project cohesion and delivery schedules

Mt Pleasant - Stage 9

Works included:

Electrical and NBN URD installation works for a 25 lot residential subdivision development.

  • Installation of 15 x low voltage connection pits and pillars to Essential Energy network standards

  • Installation of 12 x NBN network pits to NBN and Local Government standards

  • Installation of 4 x minor public road streetlighting columns and luminaires

  • Installation, testing, termination and commissioning of over 600m of low voltage cables, and conduits

  • All civil clearing, trenching and back filling works, including supply of approved backfill bedding sand

  • Project management and liaison with all interested parties throughout development progression